Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Another Great Article from my friend in the Mortgage Industry!

Mortgage Rate Predictions For November 2014 (FHA, VA, USDA & Conv)

Freddie Mac: 30-year fixed rate mortgage at 3.98%; Below 4 percent for the third straight week


Current mortgage rates continue to move lower.
According to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey of more than one hundred banks, 30-year mortgage rates averaged 3.98% last week, marking the third week of sub-4 percent rates. The 15-year fixed rate mortgage rate averaged 3.13%.
Conventional mortgage interest rates remain near 17-month lows. VA and FHA mortgage rates are even lower.
Home buyers have benefited from low rates all year. Refinancing households are now benefiting too. There are millions of U.S. homeowners now "in the money" to refinance nationwide.



Last month, mortgage rates made big gains. When October began, 30-year mortgage rates averaged 4.20%. Throughout the month, they dropped as low as 3.92% before rising slightly into November.
The rate drop through October was significant in contrast to the three months prior, when mortgage rates had barely moved at all. Rates moved more in October than they did in the prior four months combined
In November, this trend may continue.
The market is wound tight like a coil and sits ready to spring. There are a number of factors which could affect this month's mortgage rates:

More Jobs In The Economy

Last month, the September Non-Farm Payrolls report showed 248,000 net new jobs added to the economy, raising this year's running total to 2.04 million jobs added overall. Job growth has topped 200,000 in seven of the last eight months, and more than 9 million jobs have been added to the economy dating back to 2010.
Wage growth remains weak, but the jobs market is returning. As more workers are added to the economy, consumer spending tends to rise and inflation pressures tend to increase.
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve makes labor markets a focal point for future policy and stimulus. As the jobs market expands, expect the Fed to play a lesser role in holding today's mortgage rates down. 

A Rise In Inflation Rates

The Federal Reserve also watches inflation rates. As inflation rates rise, the Fed is more inclined to remove or slow its market stimulus, which can cause mortgage rates to rise.
Furthermore, inflation is the enemy of low mortgage rates. This is because inflation devalues the U.S. dollar which, in turn, devalues dollar-denominated U.S. mortgage bonds. During periods of inflation, mortgage rates tend to rise. 
Since 2012, though, inflation rates have been stable, but below the Federal Reserve's target rate of two percent. When inflation rates run too low for too long, disinflation can occur, and this can support low mortgage rates.
The Fed has taken steps to stimulate the economy and stoke inflation but, thus far, those efforts have yet to show themselves fully. Should inflation rates begin rising, mortgage rates are expected to jump. 

Geopolitical Concerns

Tensions in the Gaza Strip; between Ukraine and Russian; and, in Africa each affect this month's mortgage rates. In general, as nations move closer to war, U.S. mortgage rates improve. This is the result of an investing pattern known as a flight-to-quality.
"Flight-to-Quality" describes, during periods of economic or political uncertainty, the flow of money from risky assets toward safe ones. Investors seek safe assets to protect their principal investments, and to shield against loss.
So, because mortgage bonds are among the safest investment classes in the world, 30-year mortgage rates tend to improve when war is imminent; or, when large global economies face an uncertain future.
This is another reason mortgage rates moved lower in October. In November, rates could begin rising.

Best Regards,

Eitan Shafshak
Mortgage Loan Officer
Tel: 702-998-9746
Cell: 702-265-2137
Fax: 702-475-3717

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